
The MLI team consists of nine colleagues who each perform their tasks by teleworking. We also use a large number of external freelance translators.

Teleworking involves working remotely via the Internet. This method of working, which is becoming increasingly common in today’s society, lends itself particularly well to the translation profession. We have fixed office hours (8.30am – 4.30pm) during which we are fully committed to responding to client’s needs. Our responsiveness is one of our top qualities. Despite the geographical distance involved, we actively make a point of constantly communicating with each other via Skype to share information, standardise our way of working and ensure that each of the projects entrusted to us is handled optimally and with the professionalism required.

There are numerous advantages to teleworking, in particular:

  • Improved productivity thanks to a personalised working environment suited to the profile and preferences of each individual
  • Improved teamwork thanks to continuous communication between team members
  • Reduced CO2 emissions (no commuting, less paper used, etc.)
  • Constant on-line presence to optimise the team’s responsiveness
  • Similar working method to that of our freelance translators facilitating a close collaboration
  • Reduced stress and fewer disadvantages (no travelling, considerably less lost-time than in so-called “conventional” companies)

Meet the MLI team (((link to Meet the team))):

  • A young and dynamic team, ensuring a rapid response to requests
  • Continuous communication between colleagues, strong team spirit
  • Constant exchange of ideas, opinions, suggestions for translations
  • Staff numbers always on the increase; the newest recruit joined in October 2017

In 10 years, we have also trained around ten interns in the field of translation/project management. Sharing our love for the profession and highlighting the need for accuracy and the expectations involved is particularly important to us.